LokiBot Analysis

Gorilla Rage
7 min readAug 30, 2021
LokiBot be like…

We will analyze LokiBot.


Figure 1: MITRE ATT&CK techniques used by LokiBot

LokiBot(Loki-Bot or Loki Bot) is an infostealer malware which collects user credentials from various applications in infected machines such as Web Browsers, FTP, Email Clients, and etc. The malware’s original source code was leaked in the past, which lead to creation of multiple versions of the malware. The malware’s initial infection is often known to be phishing email.

The sample we are going to analyze have 3 stages.

  1. Initial Executable
  2. Unpacked DLL (vogrqihk.dll)
  3. Deobfuscated Executable (hd9kkov4myl)

We will go over each stages of this malware with corresponding MITRE ATT&CK that was observed in the analysis.

Stage 1 : Initial Executable


Defense Evasion
T1027 Obfuscated Files or Information

File Hash (MD5)


Execution Flow

In initial executable’s section, it has section .ndata which is indicates the file is Nullsoft Scriptable Install System(NSIS) packed file.

Figure 2: Initial executable’s section

※ NSIS packed file can be extracted partially via 7-Zip. From our executable 7-Zip will extract vogrqihk.dll and hd9kkov4myl, which we will analyze in stage 2 and 3.

In the beginning of the execution, the file will unpack and dump two files physically onto the disk; vogrqihk.dll and hd9kkov4myldll.

Figure 3: Dumped files vogrqihk.dll and hd9kkov4myldll

The file vogrqihk.dll will be loaded as a module by the initial executable through LoadLibraryExA and gets the exported function of the dll through GetProcAddress.

Figure 4: Exported function lfrgtzqdeo in vogrqihk.dll
Figure 4: LoadLibraryExA and GetProcAddress call

Once above is complete, the control flow will reach lfrgtzqdeo function call.

Figure 5: Indirect call into lfrgtzqdeo function

Stage 2 : vogrqihk.dll


Defense Evasion
T1055 Process Injection
T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information

File Hash (MD5)


Execution Flow

As soon as the control flow enters lfrgtzqdeo function, it proceeds to deobfuscate .data section.

Figure 6: Deobfuscate .data section
Figure 7: .data section location

After deobfuscation the control flow will enter .data section, which is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Unpacked .data section.

As we can see from Figure 8, .data section utilizes anti-analysis method by dynamically appending characters to form a library name. After the jump instruction in Figure 8, it forms a filename hd9kkov4myl, which is one of the files it was dumped by initial executable.

Figure 9: Dynamically forming “hd9kkov4myl”

As soon as above filename is formed, it reads in the file by using the combinations of the following APIs

  1. CreateFileW
  2. GetFileSize
  3. VirtualAlloc
  4. ReadFile
Figure 10: Reading the file hd9kkov4myl

Initial state of hd9kkov4myl appears to be encrypted PE executable, which will be decrypted within the .data section instructions.

Figure 11: Decrypted hd9kkov4myl

Once the hd9kkov4myl is decypted, it proceeds to CreateProcessW the initial executable with dwCreationFlags of 0x80000004, which are combinations of CREATE_NO_WINDOW and CREATE_SUSPENDED.

Figure 12: CreateProcessW call
Figure 13: CreateProcessW with dwCreationFlags of 0x80000004
Figure 14: Suspended child process created

Eventually it proceeds to inject decrypted PE executable by process hollowing the suspended child process and resuming it by calling ResumeThread function.

Figure 15: Dynamically allocating ResumeThread

Stage 3: hd9kkov4myl


T1005 Data from Local System
Command and Control
T1071 Application Layer Protocol
Credential access
T1555 Credentials from Password Stores

File Hash (MD5)

af625b5163049a8553ebe9fc32bf90be (Obfuscated file hash)
0b80339abb0f05bdafc5500f0be887bb (Deobfuscated file hash)

Execution Flow

The last stage is the injected&decrypted PE executable(hd9kkov4myl), which appears to be the infostealer itself.

From analyzing the executable statically&dynamically, this executable appears to have capabilities to search the following information.

Credentials from web browsers

The usual(Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer) browsers are seen, as well as more than 20 different browsers. (360Browsers, Chromium, Opera, and etc)

Credentials of email clients

Email clients that can be observed are Outlook, Postbox, and Thunderbird.

Figure 16: smtp related
Figure 17: Some other strings

Crendetials of FTP

FTP clients that can be observed are Cyberduck, EasyFTP, and FileZilla.

Figure 18: ftp strings


Keychain is a token that stores user passwords that is potentially stored by IOs devices or other apple related softwares. The executable can be seen to be accessing the Keychain information.

Figure 19: Keychain strings

Credentials of SSH

SSH clients that can be observed are BvSSH, KiTTy, and PuTTY.

Credentials from Password Managers

The executable is seen to search for specific folders and files within the infected machine that are related to storage of offline Password Managers.

  • KeePass Password Safe: KeePass Password Database(kdbx) file.
Figure 20: FindFirstFileW call for .kdbx file
Figure 21: FindFirstFileW call for .kdbx file
  • Enpass Password Manager’s local storage
Figure 22: PathFileExistsW call for Enpass
Figure 23: PathFileExistsW call for Enpass
  • RoboForm
  • 1Password

Windows Credential Manager

Windows Credential Manager manages the credentials for websites, applications and devices which needs to be authenticated through NTLM or Kerberos in Credential Lockers. This executable can be seen to load vaultcli.dll, which is a library utilized to access Windows Credential Manager and it suggests that this executable is also likely to access Credential Manager.


  • Full Tilt Poker

The executable was seen to search for registry “Full Tilt Poker” in the HKCU\Software and for folders. Full Tilt Poker is an online Poker application and this seems very random. However from ESET’s article there was an Spyware that specifically targeted this application.

ESET®, a global pioneer in proactive protection for more than two decades, warns users of PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker of a new malicious spyware program called Odlanor. The spyware, which takes screenshots of the infected player’s virtual poker hand, is designed to allow the malware operator to cheat during online games.

It is possible the executable has a capability to steal the Full Tilt Poker’s information.

Once the executable goes through most of infostealing capabilities, it attempts to create an external connection to C2 server.


It is worth noting that in many of the versions, LokiBot often created a connection to http://<domain>/fre.php. This “fre.php” can be an indication that the connectivity is related to LokiBot.

After external communications, the executable was seen to create persistence. The executable appears to copys itself as %APPDATA%\Roaming\A83C2F\F3FE9.exe with SetFileAttribute as hidden.

Figure 24: 0x2 = hidden in 2nd arg

Later the registry creation can be seen under HKCU\http://bauxx[.]xyz/mtk1/w2/fre.php

Figure 25: Registry Creation
Figure 26: Created registry

※ Binary ID ckav[.]ru was also observed statically within the executable.


The executable was seen to have total of three stages, which first two stages were the stager for the last stage’s infostealer. If this malware gets to the last stage, it is highly likely some user information from that machine is extracted.

To prevent this infection, we constantly need to educate ourselves about the phishing emails, since this would be the initial root cause.

The recommended actions for this malware are the following.

  • Delete phishing email, which is likely the root cause of the infection.
  • Reset the user credentials of any web applications that was accessed via Browsers.
  • Reset the email credentials.
  • Reset FTP and SSH credentials if it any FTP/SSH clients were used in the machines.
  • Reset any credentials that may be stored in Windows Credntial Manager.
  • Delete the registry key (HKCU\http://bauxx[.]xyz/mtk1/w2/fre.php)
  • Delete the actual files and the copied file(%APPDATA%\Roaming\A83C2F\F3FE9.exe)
  • Block the detected domains(bauxx[.]xyz)



